Sunday, December 8, 2013

Possible KI Contest Entry

Hey guys! I know it's been a LOOONNNGGG times since I've wrote here with my possibly contest entries but, the contests recently haven't been all that good. KI recently put out the call for how Wizard101 has changed you life. And man, when I heard that, it was the moment I have been waiting for to express my feelings about the amazing game AND company. 

Wizard101 has changed my life. I first began at around 2009, which doesn’t even seem that long ago, but the impact it has had on me has been immense. When I was younger I had trouble making friends. I was too shy and I never really talked, so for the first ten years of my life I was practically alone. My parents were always at work and I was often left home alone. I was never really unhappy, but life just felt a little bland. Then, however, when I was in the fifth grade, a few of my classmates started talking about this great new game that they were all getting into. I decided to give it a shot (since I had never really tried online gaming before, and I figured I might be able to make some new friends), so one day I logged on to and made myself an account. My family had an Apple computer, however, and Macs didn’t support Wizard101 at this time, so I began looking for every way possible to get onto the game. I would walk over to the library when I was home alone and play for a few hours, I would ask my grandma if I could go over to her house to play sometimes, and I got completely absorbed into this game. I started meeting new people and we went on quests together, and I had never had more fun in my life. Well, I didn’t have a membership at the time, so I was eventually left to fighting Lady Blackhope and the Kraken over and over again, but just the experience of doing it with others who appreciated me was more than enough. After several months, I finally asked my parents if I could purchase a membership. They said if I could raise enough money for a computer and a membership, I could get one. Since I was really anxious to get a membership to this game, I started to do chores for neighbors as well as my own family. So, Wizard101 kind of indirectly taught me some responsibility and people skills! Several months later, I had a shiny new PC and a twelve-month membership to call my own, and it was completely worth it. I played for years and the game kept getting better and better, taking me on breathtaking journeys and countless adventures. The game also developed my interest in music and acting, because I always found myself listening to the many music tracks and impersonating all the characters in the game. Currently, I am in high school and I’ve already seen huge improvement in myself. Talking to other wizards online helped me “get out of my shell” a little bit, and I actually made one of my best friends in sixth grade! Today I am in the drama club and the band at school, I have lots of good friends, and my grades are getting better and better. My parents say Wizard101 is a waste of my time, but honestly, I feel like I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Sure, I may have naturally at some point made a friend here and there, but Wizard101 truly gave me the skills necessary to lead a happy life, and I am eternally grateful for everything Kingsisle has done. I really do hope you realize how much this game can change lives, and also that I’ll be a loyal member of the 101 games until the very end. Thank you KI! 

Thanks for reading! If you liked it then send me an email to tell me what you think! Might enter sooner rather then later.. Love you ALL!
*Remember plagiarism is punishable by law, the use of the previous 593 words is NOT authorized by myself -USER- MrsJameson60*

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Aztecan Story: Submit Yes -or- No?

Hey guys! So I wrote a little Aztecan Story Contest on Johnny's blog. Not sure if I should enter, it kinda sucks. Actually you guys tell me! If ya like it send me an email to I call it the Ship's Log, here it tis':

"Ship's Log 
Ships' Log Twentieth January Year of Our Lord Twenty Thirteen

It has been seven days since we found land, four since the first crew members showed signs of infection and just one day since I became the last surviving member of the Red Anchor. Me, the ships cabin boy. 

We had been searching for landfall for such an age both water and food supplies were running low. When John Collins finally sighted this lush green isle we all felt that it was a miracle. He was the first to die. That we were finally saved. Upon making landfall scouts were sent out to find food and drinking water. They came back soon after with various fruit and canteens full of water. As we were having our fill the scouts described the animals they had seen, colourful scaly creatures who grazed on the many green leaves of the island. 

It was a few days later that people started getting sick. It was the bright eyes and shiny pallor that were the first signs. Stomach pains followed, then delirium and fever and finally a period of lucidity before they passed away. At first we all thought it would pass but when John Collins passed followed shortly by the first mate we all knew and began to wonder who would be the next to go. I was the only one not to contract the disease and spend days trying to comfort crew members in their final hours. 

Eventually it was just me and the cook Simon Reeve. We decided we ought to move and camp away from the bay we had first landed on. We had heard strange noises nearby in the night. Further inland we discovered a clearing around a waterfall. Having made camp and prepared dinner we were watching the stars when I noticed his lack of focus and clammy skin. I said nothing but found his body by the water this morning. I must decided where my fate now leads me. I cannot sail the ship alone meaning my only option is to explore the island. I am isolated on a uncharted island. I have no shelter and only rudimentary weapons with which I have little skill. My future looks bleak at best. 

Twenty-First January Year of Our Lord Twenty Thirteen

 My eyes have been open to new and exciting possibilities. It is all down to my new friend, Kawil Doomclaw. Let me start at the beginning. 

I was awoken by a loud squealing and squalling. On the waters edge nearby were creatures unlike any I had ever seen before. Green and yellow scales covered their bodies which was covered in old scars. They appeared to be flocking together like sea birds over a school of fish. Fighting for position on the carcass. Or rather what I thought was a carcass, a groaning alerted me to the fact that the victim of the attack was still alive. Having a weakness for the underdog as I do, I rushed at the creatures, making as much noise as possible. They all took off into the sky and settled in the trees where they stared at me balefully.

Now that I could see him, the creature I had just saved was purple in colour and scaled he also appear to be bleeding in multiple place. As I looked at him he appear to look straight at me and smile. I know it sounds crazy but he did before promptly falling unconscious. I managed to manoeuvre my purple friend to my camp site and tend to his wounds with some effort. Now I could see him properly I realised he was only slightly shorter than me and appeared to be wearing some kind of rudimentary armour. His shape he scales which covered him reminded me of the stories my father used to tell me of ancient lizards called dinosaurs that lived on the earth millions of years ago.

Hours later he began to stir, his eyes flickered towards the bird-things in the trees before resting on my face. Then to my great surprise in rusty but fluent English he thanked me for saving me. My astonishment must have show on my face as he explain that I was not the first visitor to the island. Apparently others who looked like me with 'power over the elements' had arrived through a different route and help his tribe in a time of need. For saving him he insists that he must repay the debt and has swore to protect me where ever I go on the island.

My new friend Kawil appears to recover very quickly from his ordeal as he was soon up and searching in the undergrowth nearby. He found what he was looking for and appeared with two swords in his short front claws which he could use while standing on his back legs. He motioned for me to enter the jungle and we began travelling.

I am astounded that not only are there the dinosaurs my father described but that they have a real civilization with a culture and language. More of these incredible creatures were revealed when took me to his village. There were numerous creatures who looked just like him in different sizes and varying shades of blue and purple. Kawil guided me to a hut in the centre of the village. Smoke surrounded the interior, as it cleared I saw what appeared to be an ancient version of Kawil. We sat in a circle and the elder stared at me silence for several minutes. When he finally spoke it was clear that he had been expecting me for some time. Apparently the legends of this tribe predicted my coming, I am believed to save them for the great evil that threatens the island.

I am now in a small hut in the village, in the morning Kawil and I will start out on a great adventure. I can't"

I know some typo's but email me if I should send it in, I'm a little shy to share my work. That's why this blog isn't as full as I'd like it to be. Until next time. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Years in W101

Happy New Years all! This is the art I made, might enter it into Legends of the Spiral's Art Contest, not sure. Gotta sign up first, been neglecting that.Its not that great, but tell me what you think!

Email me at
Love you all, bye!